to my amazement, I looked at my stats this morning and found I've done
no posting for nearly a month. A month tomorrow in fact. How can one go
from posting pretty much every day to nothing like that? The only
explanation I can think of must be borne around the idea that I, or my
internet connection, was kidnapped by aliens.
Well, in part it's true. The part about my internet connection.
Disconnected on March 22 with promises of reconnection four days later
turned into my provider not being able to get into my building without
permission from my landlord turned into three and a half weeks of
waiting around every few days for an installation that never happened.
That is, until last Thursday, when wires and drill bits and heavy boots
stomping up and down three flights of stairs MAGICALLY APPEARED and lo!
I was blessed once more with the cybersaviour. Though going on what you
hear about amnesia-induced probing by curious extra terrestrials, you
never know. I did go a whole week before managing to pull myself
together to collect enough words to make a post. Perhaps such a probe
did occur and I subconsciously made terrifying Lacan-infected
associations between the probe I can't remember and my dependence on
the internet. Maybe my unconscious avoidance of updating this site was
a projection of my secretly harboured fears of partial anonimity
compounded by the glow of my laptop's screen which threatened to reopen
repressed memories of greenish tubular implements. Maybe I've just been
While I don't want to denounce my own conspiracy theory just yet,
it's much more likely that my internet-avoidance issues have had more
to do with the fact we still had boxes in our living room up until last
Friday (Good Friday, my birthday, hurrah!) and I was damned if anything
was going to get in the way of my unpacking after Matthew came home
with not one, but two bookcases. They are now full and we are looking
for a third. My promise not to purchase any more books until June
got dumped by the wayside on Tuesday when I came home with a stack of
historical treaties and post-modern, German spy novels. They have since
remained in a stack because of the lack of shelving space to store
In other news, I'm getting a kitten.