Am I the only person in the world who didn't know that has released their new issue? Am I that out of the loop? When did they update? Am I panicking for nothing? Does anyone else accidentally type in whorl when they mean world? Am I asking too many questions?
It just might be so.
I've started making Monkeys. I did a test swatch, got all angry at the pattern, then spent all of Sunday tackling it with the sort of vigour only a wretched hangover can bestow upon a person. Just as Matthew and I started watching a documentary on the birth of heavy metal it clicked. The pattern just came together on my needles. It was like I'd come out of a 1970s-Ozzy Osbourne haze and awoke to find myself in a house full of cameras and a family that would make Daniel Defoe writhe with jealousy for not having thought of them first. They're being knit up in my Superfluous Sock Yarn Swap 100% merino swap yarn, which is turning out to be one gorgeous yarn.
But Monkeys? Pah, that's yesterday's news. Now I've visions of Sweetpeas and Coupling dancing in my head. And the idea of an adult-sized Grower making me dizzy with delight, though a little Marnier with something Unmentionable in the night never goes amiss...
hmmmm... grown up grower.... that's an interesting idea.
Posted by: laura b | June 14, 2007 at 12:00 AM
The funny thing is I thought I was! Maybe I accidentally deleted it?
Posted by: emmms | June 13, 2007 at 12:25 PM
knitty just updated yesterday, so you really aren't that out of the loop, but you can sign up to get the news letter and the editor will e-mail whenever a new issue comes out.
Posted by: nicole | June 12, 2007 at 10:05 PM